microHELIX Test Probes your fine-pitch connection





S400*6350-P2 Group Models
PartNum Descriptive Model Name Probe Image Length
600770 S400*6350/1500/30@750/S1900r/S1900r model 600770 10,150 µm30 g
600788 S400*6350/1500/30@750/S1900s/S1900s model 600788 10,150 µm30 g
600838 S400*6350/1500/30@750/S1900s/S1300s model 600838 9,950 µm30 g
600886 S400*6350/1500/30@750/B1900c4/B1300c4 model 600886 9,550 µm30 g
600641 S400*6350/1200/60@600/B1900c4/B1300c4 model 600641 9,550 µm60 g
600630 S400*6350/1200/60@600/B1900c4/B1900c4 model 600630 10,150 µm60 g
600877 S400*6350/1200/60@600/S1900r/S1300r model 600877 9,550 µm60 g
600878 S400*6350/1200/60@600/S1900s/S1300s model 600878 9,550 µm60 g
NOTE: These test-probes (except for model 600641, 600877, 600838 and 600886) can be installed with either end toward the Device Under Test. The spring-coil is offset toward the plunger end but the probes provide symmetrical compression and force.
Test-probe model 600641 is asymmetrical. Plunger length=1900 µm and Pin2 length=1300µm
For other tip combinations: Inquire to AlphaTest at (360) 462-0201 or to email address info@alphatest.com.

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